Progress on FARMDYN

WP3: Progress on FARMDYN bioeconomic farm model

Several developments were made on FarmDyn to be able to simulate the large range of case studies identified in WP2 and to implement indicators of sustainability

The main bioeconomic optimisation tool used in the project is FarmDyn. Based on analysing case studies, FARMDYN was expanded to flexibly consider different grassland management options such as the timing and harvested biomass of the different cuts and their use such as hay or silage. Similarly, different phases of beef production were introduced along with options such as terminal cross-breeding. The case studies required to consider also stables with deep litter and the related dung and slurry management. The teams had regular intensive exchange via video-conferences and partly physical meetings.

The adaptations to the FARMDYN model related to SUSTAINBEEF are reflected in the new online model documentation.

Several indicators have also been added. They encompass

  • Environnemental indicators:

- Gaseous emissions,

- nitrate leaching losses,

- phophorus lorsses,

- humus balance,

- emissions from of farm inputs

  • Economic indicators 

- profitability: contribution margin and gross profit, profit/net present value/ objective value

- liquidity,

- stability, 

- productivity: productivity of invested capital, land productivity, productivity of work

- autonomy: share of subsidies and promium on profit, ratio of external inputs and contribution margin

  •  Social indicators

- work time related indicators !: total workload and distribution over the year, work distribution by type of work

Their definition could be downloaded below (deliverable 3.2).