
[FR] Institut national de la recherche agronomique


Sustainbeef team :

  • Claire MOSNIER, researcher 
  • Patrick VEYSSET, research engineer
  • Anne JAROUSSE(engineer contracted in 2020)
  • Sanae BOUKHRISS (engineer contracted in 2020)
  • Jimmy BALOUZAT (engineer contracted in 2018)
  • Raphaëlle BOTREAU, researcher  (2017)
  • Emilie BRAUN (internship 2019) 
  • Maëva GUILLIER (internship 2018) 
  • Adrien VAUDAUX (internship 2017)

and the contribution of René BEAUMONT

The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRAE) is Europe’s top agricultural research institute and the world’s number two centre for the agricultural sciences. UMRH (joint research center on herbivores) contributes to the design of sustainable farming systems for herbivores that seek to reconcile production efficiency, product quality and socio-economic viability with environmental protection and valuation, and animal welfare. For this project, we’ll associate our technical-economic beef farm network, our bioeconomic farm model (with ILR Bonn) and our expertise on feed resource management, agroecology and economics to analyze current farming systems and their possible futures.

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 05 March 2018 | By: a