WP4 : Innovations to improve sustainability

WP4 : Innovations to improve the sustainability of beef production and implementation scenarios

(Leader: CRAW)


  1. Identify and characterize innovations allowing for the increase, in an efficient and more sustainable way, of resource use (land, feed non edible by humans) for beef production
  2. Define, based on multi-actors approaches, scenarios for the implementation of these innovations at farm scale
  3. Evaluate the impact of these scenarios at territorial and value chain scales with regard to the multiple services delivered at these scales.


To identify innovative approaches aimed at promoting the use of resources non edible by humans to produce beef, two bottom-up approaches are combined: (1) inventory of innovative schemes tested in European experimental farms and (2) focus groups and individual open-ended interviews involving farmers, advisory services, territorial managers, up and down stream value chain actors, etc. Special attention is also paid to the identification of the factors, at farm, territorial or value chain levels, limiting or promoting innovation uptake.

Drawing on the most promising innovations identified, foresight exercises is organized to identify alternative scenarios and their main drivers, with the different actors of the value chain and the territory. The performance of these alternative scenarios is evaluated, at farm scale, in WP3, and at a territorial and value chain scales, in a qualitative way, based on actors knowledge. At these levels, the evaluation takes into account the multiple services (territory identity and attractiveness, up and downstream chain employment, landscape aesthetic value...) delivered by cattle livestock on territories and downstream chains.

A methodological canvas to implement the approach performed all along the project in other European regions is reported.

In this folder

Identification of innovations, barriers & levers for implementation

Based on the results of the focus groups and the possibilities to model the innovations, the consortium members defined scenarios to be simulated in WP3

Implementation of the innovations at farm scale results in changes at farm scale of course, but also requires changes at value chain or territorial levels (including society) – i.e. at food system scale – in order to be materialised. The changes are technical, but also behavioural, structural, etc.