WP1 : Coordination

WP1 : Coordination, dissemination and communication

(Leader: CRA-W – Co-Leader: INRA)


  1. Manage the overall project and ensure that technical and administrative reports will be delivered in time
  2. Share experiences and transfer outcomes of the project
  3. Propose comprehensive and long-term strategies and recommendations to promote the adoption of more sustainable beef farming systems, optimizing the use of resources non edible by humans


A core management board (CMB), involving the WP leaders and the coordinators of the actions within the different countries meets every three months, alternatively through physical and video meetings, to ensure a good agreement between ongoing actions and the delivery of deliverables and provisional milestones.
Members of CMB ensure the initial research project presentation, the delivery and presentation of the mid-term report and the final report as asked by SusAn program. To share experiences and transfer outcomes of the project, the consortium adopted the requested open access policy for the diffusion of publications and generated data. Implementation of multi-actors and bottom-up approaches, throughout the project (WP2, WP4), contribute to an efficient sharing of the project outcomes and to their translation into comprehensive recommendations and long-term strategies to promote the adoption of more sustainable beef systems, based on the use of resources non edible by humans.